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Before Baldwin​


For the online version of my news feature story "Before Baldwin", I worked to create numerous interactive and engaging multimedia elements. I worked with the software Timeline JS to create a comprehensive timeline, I worked with our broadcast staffer to create a video, I made a Google Map to embed on the webpage, and I made multiple audio soundbites to add a different dimension to the article. We also used many pull quotes and large photos to break up text and make the story more engaging and accessible for our readers. 


*Click on image to read story

Coding and website work


Although my primary domain as a member of ODYSSEY has not been the website, I decided to learn the basics of HTML coding in order to help with website work. I have learned the coding language necessary to post stories to the website and other necessary online functions for the ODYSSEY. 


*Click on image to enlarge


Reflecting on Governor's Honors Program


This is an example of a web story I worked on to make an otherwise simple blog into a more engaging online package. Senior Copy Editor Valeria Garcia Pozo and I both attended the Georgia Governor's Honors Program and we decided to write complementary blogs that we could format into an online package using the multimedia platform Thinglink in order to make it more interesting for online viewers. 


*Click on image to read story

Straight superiors across CCHS band program​


This is a breaking news story I wrote after the Clarke Central band won all superior ratings at their Large Group Performance Evaluation. I learned a lot about how to write breaking news through this story because I wrote it in one day -- something that is important in a fast-paced online news world. I also included sound bites in the story to make it more engaging and to include real sound of the musical performance in order to create a richer experience for the reader. 


*Click on image to read story


Breaking news: Principal responds to CCHS fights​


I wrote this breaking news story following a day with numerous physical altercations at school. In this story I had to be careful with fact checking and ensuring I got a variety of perspectives because it was a sensitive topic for the school and community. This story got extremely high levels of traffic on our website because, after incidents like this one, readers are looking for immediate information. 


*Click on image to read story

Opening up dialogue​


Timely news content on the website is essential for readers because these stories may not reach them otherwise. Because magazine production is a long process, it is difficult to include timely stories in print. The website is therefore extremely important for publishing short, newsworthy pieces such as this one.


*Click on image to read story


Senior Portfolio of Elena Gilbertson Hall. Proudly created with

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