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Issue 1 Cover.jpg

Issue 1 Magazine​


As Editor-in-Chief, I work extensively with InDesign in order to compile each spread for the magazine. I edit the designs submitted by each section editor, and provide critical feedback about their designs. When the magazine for each cycle is completed, I work with our printing service in order to export the files and proof the printed version. 


*Click on image to view full magazine PDF

Issue 2 Magazine​


For my second issue as Editor-in-Chief, I was intentional about holding design workshops for section editors to ensure that they had all the resources they needed to turn in quality spreads. Although I still had to fix many mistakes and rearrange some layouts, I learned a lot about delegation and how to teach InDesign to others. With the sendoff process for this magazine, there were extreme technical errors, which required me to work with a representative from the printing company for numerous hours in order to properly send the magazine to the printer. This provided a valuable learning experience. 


*Click on image to view full magazine PDF

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Screen Shot 2019-10-19 at 3.58.18 PM.png

InDesign Layouts


This is an example of a layout I worked on for the first issue of the 2019-20 school year. In order to take on the role of Editor-in-Chief, I had to spend time learning the numerous InDesign tools, as well as other Adobe tools. 


*Click on image to view full design

InDesign Layouts


This is an example of a layout I worked on for the second issue of the 2019-20 school year. As I have gained more experience with design, I have begun to experiment with color, composition, contrast, and repetition to provide unity across spreads. 


*Click on image to view full design

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Screenshot 2020-01-16 at 2.25.18 PM.png

Design workshops


Early in the design process, I spend time brainstorming with section editors and helping them sketch out their ideas. As they are working on putting together their spreads, I hold several design workshops in the mornings before school in order to provide feedback and hands-on assistance.

Opioid use infographic


I created this infographic to accompany my news feature about the opioid epidemic. I used Canva to create it, and did research to compile the most important information and statistics to include in the infographic. This was an important addition to my article in the newsmagazine because it was visually interesting and it gave information in a quick and consumable format. This is an example of how I have learned to complement my written articles with visuals and design that balance out the story. 

Net Neutrality quick facts


I wrote an article about the repeal of net neutrality and the effects it could have on the Clarke County School District and I created this infographic to accompany the story. As our media group has made the move to a convergence platform, I have taken opportunities like this one to add multimedia to my stories.  

Top five albums of 2018​


I created this infographic for the website as an alternate form of media storytelling. It was timely because it was published in December as a year-in-review type infographic and it taught me how to write short, concise reviews of musical albums.   

Athens special elections results


I made this infographic to make sure all of the ODYSSEY's readership was informed about the results of our recent elections in which we had elected new representatives and passed an important local measure. These are things that would have a direct impact on residents of Clarke County so I created this infographic to communicate the information in an accessible and easy-to-digest format. 

Senior Portfolio of Elena Gilbertson Hall. Proudly created with

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